June 20 – What a cracking day in Corfu. We arrived by Easyjet plane last night and stayd in a hotel. This morning we went to Cordu old town which is very pretty. But it is also very hot.
There are famous trees calledolive trees and cyprus trees all over the island. Our taxi driver said there were millions of olive trees.
There is a lovely cat at a restorant here, she is called Maisy. She is like my daughter and I love her, she is so fluffy.
We spent a lot of time at the pool and the sea because it is extremely hot, but it is fun. At our aprtment I have my own room which is very cool.
Because we did a lot of swimming I call it the cool day even though it is very hot. Here are some photos.

Mum and I in Corfu old town.

Our beach in Kalami.
WOW! Amazing beach. We wish we were there in the hot sun too:)