June 26 – Today I had a most exciting day. When we were at dinner last night I saw a man waterskiing where you have skis on your feet and they pull you behind a boat. It looked fun and easy to me.
My dad said it was fun but not easy to learn, so he booked me a beginners lesson.
Afterwards, you know the saying I am aching for a bru which is tea, but this time my arms were aching for a break.
Luckily it wasn’t the olympics. When he (Harry my waterskiing teacher) atached the rope to the boat there were 4 things I had to remember – bend your knees, straight arms, look up straight ahead and point feet up. For the first two gos I let go by acsdint but on my 3third time I did not fall off. I was so proud of myself and so were mum & dad.

Woo hoo me on water skis.
I will cherrish that forever.
June 27 – so were suposed to fly back to london but we got bumped off the flight because it was a smaller plane and we could not fit on.
So mum, dad and I got to stay another day in Corfu. we were all excited but mum the most. After we realised it was boiling hot and we were about to frie we decided to rent a hotel for the day so we had some where to cool down. It was a massive heat wave in a very hot country.
We decided to go to the old town which is a lot of old shops & buildings. we had a wonderful time but we lost track of dad so mum and I looked & looked for him but there was no sign.
After looking we started phoning & texting but the wifi was really bad but then I got very hungry and we had to sit down & have something to eat but still no sign of dad so we started to get very worryed.
But then dad suddenly showed up witch was such a realif so once we had finished lunch we had to go for a swim.
Mum went to look for a place while dad & I sat in the shade and when mum found something it was like wow this is cool. It had the sea and music and cocktails and so much more, it was perfect.

The cool place where we went swimming.
That night we went back to the airport because we had the 11 flight, so we said goodbye to Corfu. And that was that.
Note from Eric’s dad: That was the last blog Edith did before I had to fly home early for work. Edith and her mum are now in Singapore and will be home on Tuesday. I will add her last blog entries when she gets home.
Edith asked me to wish you all a wonderful school holiday. She has loved her travels but also missed her class mates very much, and says she is looking forward to see you all and her teachers soon again.
Sounds and looks like you had an amazing time. We look forward to seeing you too.